Grand Teton Weather

I spent three days last weekend exploring and photographing the Grand Tetons National Park with three friends. We had unusually cloudy and rainy weather which made us juggle our planned shooting some, but did present some opportunites to photograph the Tetons in less common settings. Im still working on some of the images from that trip, but I did shoot some 720p video with the Canon Rebel T1i that I recently aquired. Ive assembled some of those clips along with a few of my images into a short video showing our trip. I hope you enjoy it. Ill get the images posted soon.


For additional playback options right click on the video and select “Watch this on Vimeo”.

Enchanted Island

I occaisionally try to do some “housecleaning” on my computer to make sure things are organized. During my last such effort I came across a batch of images I had taken in Monument Valley last year which had been overlooked. I worked on them and added the landscape images to Monument Valley April 2008 in the Image Catalog and added those images plus a few shots of our friends on the trip to the family Web Galleries under Monument Valley April 2008.

In looking over my images from last months trip to Yosemite I found myself drawn back to this image that I called “Enchanted Island”. The reason I keep coming back to it is that of all the images I came home with from that trip, it’s the one that brings back the quiet, peaceful feeling of being in the back country of Yosemite (or many other similar places for that matter). I like it so much I made it the image on the home page of my web site.
Enchanged Island

Im off to Jackson, WY and the Grand Tetons at the end of the week with several of our friends.